Simply the best DMG file extractor for Microsoft Windows.
DMG File Extractor for Windows, allows users to open DMG files created on an Apple Mac and extract the contents to their Windows PC.
We’ve helped over 100,000 customers extract their data!

How it works

JustLanded has been designed with ease of use in mind. You can use the demo data we provide with the installation package – or you can follow the outline of our detailed manual.

It is easy to use

Setup your landing page within minutes, it is that easy.

Designed to convert

Using key principals of successful landing pages

Powered by HTML5

Using the fabulous HTML5/CSS3 mixed with WordPress

Video support

Include your product videos for a greater presentation

Learn more about our product

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What our customers are saying

If we did not convince you, maybe a few words from our customers will!

Integer elementum tempor augue, ac suscipit leo fermentum sed. Suspendisse potenti. Phasellus sollicitudin elit luctus nunc condimentum.
John Doe
John Doe
CEO, John Doe Corporation
Vestibulum adipiscing bibendum nibh, vulputate dapibus risus viverra vel. Aliquam eget arcu nec orci facilisis varius. Pellentesque aliquam tristi.
Jane Doe
Jane Doe
VP Sales, Jane Doe, Inc.
Curabitur quis tellus molestie tellus consectetur condimentum id in lectus. Pellentesque cursus, massa eu volutpat semper.
Richard Roe
Richard Roe
President, Richard Roe Ltd

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Buy this amazing product today
